Bantry Flood Relief Scheme Logo

Public and Stakeholder Engagement


Bantry has a strong and active business community focused around the town square. There is little residential development in the town centre, but a strong reliance on tourism particularly in the summer months. In other locations where flood works are likely to be needed there are smaller clusters of residential properties who are currently impacted by flooding and will be impacted by the flood scheme, such as at the downstream end of the Mealagh River and in other locations where 'minor works' type interventions are needed. The communication approach needs to address the diverse interests and opinions of these various key stakeholder groups. By engaging with the various stakeholder groups it will be possible to learn the various opinions and attempt to balance the needs and desires of the community groups within the proposed scheme area. Early engagement will also provide opportunities for explaining why a particular measure or option is not viable and work with the groups to develop the best fit scheme for all.

Public Participation Days

During the scheme a number of public participation days will be held to provide opportunities for the project team to meet with stakeholders and members of the public. The aim of this engagement process will be to present the key findings and recommendations of the study and to provide an additional opportunity for comment on any preferred plans / future action. New ideas and thinking will be encouraged. Comments and feedback received from attendees will be recorded.

Opening PPD

The first PPD was held on 18th May 2022, with the aim of gathering information on from the public on the flood relief scheme. A poster relating to the first PPD can be found on the Project Documents page here. The public feedback received was compiled into a PPD Feedback Report, which has been uploaded here

Emerging Options PPD

A second PPD will be held on Thursday 30th May 2024, between 4pm and 8pm at the Maritime Hotel.

The purpose of the Emerging Options PPD is to seek feedback from the public and other interested parties in relation to the emerging options being considered for the Bantry FRS. It is intended to present the areas and properties that have been identified as being at flood risk and options for potential solutions that have been developed. The project team will be available on the day to receive comments and any other information relevant to the emerging options. Feedback from the event will then be considered, with all other relevant assessment items, when identifying the preferred scheme.

 A poster relating to this PPD can be found on the Project Documents page here. Feedback received will be considered as the project team progress with the selection process for the preferred scheme option. 

Preferred Option PPD

A third PPD will be held to present the preferred option for the scheme when it is identified. It is expected to hold this PPD later in 2024. Members of the public and interested parties will have an opportunity to provide their feedback on the preferred scheme option that will be taken forward to environmental impact assessment and planning application process.